Covid-19 Updates and Resources
Declare your Covid19 Vaccine Status
We require your Covid Vaccine status as soon as possible for all employees who are currently booked on assignment with Solutions Staffing Inc. Get your Vaccine Declaration here.
- Booking your assignment – due to current and anticipated provincial health orders we may be required to report your vaccine status with proof of vaccination at the time of booking for assignment locations that require proof of vaccination.
- As health orders change, and service policies change, we would like to ensure that the travel and accommodations we book for you is appropriate for your individual situation. View current provincial health orders here.
What if you are choosing not to receive the covid19 vaccines?
Your recruitment specialist will work with you to find an assignment location or type that does not have vaccine requirements.
Stop The Spread!
It is up to each of us to protect ourselves and our communities by staying diligent and following these steps:
- Perform a daily self-assessment for any COVID-19 symptoms
- Stay home if you are feeling unwell and complete your Provincial Self-Assessment Tool for directions on swabbing, isolating, etc.
- Follow the Solutions Staffing Inc. policy if you become unwell (see below)
- Follow local Infection Control policies, procedures, and guidelines while on assignment
- Follow local public health directions for social distancing, group activities, and gathering
- Know your PPE- donning and doffing PPE and wearing the appropriate PPE is essential for protecting everyone.
- Ensure your N95 mask fit is current
Illness Before or on Assignment During COVID-19
All healthcare workers who are on assignment or are going on assignment in the next two weeks are required to notify Solutions Staffing Inc. via their Recruitment Specialist or Recruitment Support if they develop any new illness symptoms, even mild. You will be directed on how to proceed from there via an instructional e-mail.
If you are unwell but do not have any upcoming assignments, please complete a Provincial Self-Assessment and follow the directions. We do not need to be informed unless you suspect your illness will impact any upcoming assignments.
If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 while on assignment, please follow the sick call procedure outlined in your assignment information package AND notify Recruitment Support or your Recruitment Specialist. They will send you an e-mail with further directions.
Up-To-Date Facts About COVID-19
Reliable information is imperative in these rapidly changing times. Here are a few reliable resources for up-to-date information about COVID-19: